Monadic Generators in OCaml

Generators are one of those features that have been heavily popularized by today’s fashionable languages such as Python and ES6. So it’s not the first time I’ve encountered programmers who are curious about OCaml bring up with questions along the lines of:

  • Why doesn’t OCaml support generators?

  • Are there alternatives to generators in OCaml?

  • How can I emulate generators in OCaml?

In this post, I’d like to briefly address these questions.

Where are the Generators?

I can only speculate but it seems self evident, OCaml doesn’t have native support for generators because it doesn’t really need it. There’s quite a few satisfactory ways of emulating them to the point where the strong justification for adding a feature to the language just isn’t there.

With that being said, it’s well known that people are working on algebraic effects for OCaml and it’s my understanding that it will be possible to implement generators in direct style which would be indistinguishable from direct support in the compiler. So this feature is effectively a strict superset of generators and should settle this issue once and for all.

Alternatives to Generators

Maybe I’m just old fashioned, but I find myself rarely needing generators. I usually find the bog standard lazy lists to be more convenient to work with. Where my implementation of choice the one is the one that comes with containers.

Here’s a simple lazy list of primes:

(* save to and run as $ utop *)
#require "containers.iter";;

module Llist = CCLazy_list

let primes =
  let open Llist in
  let rec next_prime n =
      for i=2 to int_of_float (sqrt (float_of_int n)) do
        if n mod i = 0 then raise_notrace Exit
      Cons (n, lazy (next_prime (n + 1)))
    with Exit -> next_prime (n + 1) in
  Lazy.from_val @@ Cons (2, lazy (next_prime 3))

let () =
  let n = 100_000 in
  let primes = Llist.length (Llist.take n primes) in
  Printf.printf "Found: %d primes\n" primes

OK, maybe this isn’t the prettiest code, but I’ve picked a bad example. Lazy lists usually work much better. Promise.

The other candidate I usually reach for is the gen type:

type 'a gen = unit -> 'a option

Which comes with its own useful gen library. The main advantage of this type is that it’s structural. We can consume and produce gens without ever depending on a library. ocaml-re uses this to great effect here for example.

The disadvantage of this type is that implementing generators usually involves ugly mutable code. Oh well, if I had a problem with this kind of mutation, I’d be using Haskell.

let primes () =
  let prime = ref 1 in
  let rec loop () =
    incr prime;
      for i=2 to int_of_float (sqrt (float_of_int !prime)) do
        if !prime mod i = 0 then raise_notrace Exit
      Some !prime
    with Exit -> loop ()
  in loop

let () =
  let prime_gen = primes () in
  for _ = 0 to 100_00 do
    assert (prime_gen () != None);
  print_endline "There's more than 100_000 primes"

Note the type of this function:

val primes : unit -> (unit -> int option)

We must not forget to create a new generator whenever we want to iterate over our generator from scratch.

Really Faking Generators

While the approaches above were similar, they’re still not capturing the essence of generators - the ability to yield control back to the caller along with a value anywhere inside a computation. How do we approach this problem? Like every good functional programmer: with Monads!

Here’s the signature we’re aiming to implement:

module type Gen_intf = sig
  type ('result, 'yield) t
  val return : 'a -> ('a, _) t
  val yield : 's -> (unit, 's) t
  val (>>=) : ('a, 's) t -> ('a -> ('b, 's) t) -> ('b, 's) t
  val iter : ('result, 'a) t -> f:('a -> unit) -> 'result

With this signature, we’re modeling generators as computations that can produce a final 'result` value and possibly many intermediate 'yield' values along the way. These computations can of course be sequenced (the essence of monads), and finally executed to produce the final a result along with running a callback for every yielded value.

Representing this behavior with a type we arrive at a generator:

type ('result, 'yield) t =
  | Done of 'result
  | Yield of (unit -> 'yield * ('result, 'yield) t)

A constructor for terminating the generator and continuing it along with a yielded value. Note that we need to guard every yield behind a thunk. Otherwise we will find it quite hard to pause our generator mid way.

Since this a monad instance,

let return a = Done a

let rec (>>=) x f =
  match x with
  | Done r -> f r
  | Yield t -> Yield (fun () ->
      let (y, next) = t () in
      (y, next >>= f)

where return trivial and (>>=) is simply sequencing a generator along with a computation that produces a generator from the result.

If you really want to get the hang of it, try implementing join from scratch:

val join : (('a, 's) t, 's) -> ('a, 's) t

Now, finally we need yield to generate values:

let yield r = Yield (fun () -> (r, return ()))

Let’s briefly contrast this to our return above. While return created a generator that yielded no values and produced some result, yield creates a generator that yields a single value and produces a trivial result.

With this kit, we can construct generators:

(* assuming that all these functions are in Gen*)
let primes : (unit, int) Gen.t =
  let open Gen in
  let rec loop n =
      for i=2 to int_of_float (sqrt (float_of_int n)) do
        if n mod i = 0 then raise_notrace Exit
      yield n >>= fun () ->
      loop (n + 1)
      Exit ->
      loop (n + 1)
  in loop 2

We’re almost done here, all that remains is a way to run a generator:

let rec iter x ~f =
  match x with
  | Done s -> s
  | Yield t ->
    let (y, x) = t () in
    f y;
    iter x ~f

While this is a useful function in general, it doesn’t quite work in our case since our generator doesn’t terminate.

No matter, we can have a variant that will only consume up to a constant number of yields:

let take
  : type a b. (a, b) t -> int -> b list
  = fun t n ->
    let rec loop acc t n =
      match t, n with
      | Done _, _
      | _, 0 -> List.rev acc
      | Yield t, n ->
        let (a, next) = t () in
        loop (a::acc) next (n - 1)
    in loop [] t n

As an exercise, one can also implement a generator-returning version of this:

val take : ('a, 'b) t -> int -> (unit, 'b) t

And finally:

ignore (Gen.take primes 100_000)

What Else?

First of all, let me first mention that this entire treatment is following Kwang Yul Seo’s original exposition. Apart from the usual porting to OCaml, I took the liberty to get rid of the transformer layer in my OCaml port. Transformers aren’t necessary to thread effects while yielding in OCaml, and a naive implementation would raise some stack safety issues that would distract us from the topic at hand.

I should also note that a variant of all this work in OCaml can always be found in some obscure Jane Street library. This time, it’s not obscure at all but the ubiquitous Sequence.Generator module in Base. Their approach is more sophisticated as it uses the Stream Fusion step type to construct the generator. Also, they have a solution to the problem of composing monads with their sequence type. Which is similar to the problem I’ve avoided with making yield play nicely with other binds.

Finally, I should note that the most honest to goodness emulation is actually done with the infamous delimcc in this blog post. But it would take me a lot of guts before I’d use delimcc in production, so it’s not worth dwelling on.

Happy generating!


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